"EGG" (Electroforming Green Gold) Project

Regione Toscana - POR FESR 2014-2020 - "Bandi per aiuti agli investimenti in ricerca, sviluppo e innovazione"

Research and develpment projects
Realization period: July 2015 / December 2018 - Ended
Total amount: 199.573,58 €
European Union co-financing rate: 45 %
Realization site:
via Donat-Cattin 32, Arezzo (AR) 52100, Italy

"ESA s.r.l. Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020"
Project title: Nuovi elettroliti per elettroformatura di leghe d'oro giallo a basso impatto ambientale
Acronym: EGG (Elelctroforming Green Gold)

Research and develpment project for new alkaline copper electrolytes for electroplating, for electroforming of yellow gold alloys with low environmental impact, and for a prototype of a new machine for an electroforming process free of toxic additives, with up-scaling and validation at a pre-industrial level.